Thursday, August 12, 2010

Time and Friendship

Friendship is like a watch battery
It comes with a warranty for a specified time
Arguments are reconciled to few occasions
Once gone, it is gone forever
It has to be replaced by a new friend
No one bothers the whereabouts of the dear departed
The newcomer will play his part until the validity is over
Some friendship lasts longer and some shorter
Everything comes with a price, but momentary
It’s all how much we’ve invested our thought to that person

Proximity keeps the relationship ticking
Meeting eclipses the impending nostalgia post-disappearance of her
Togetherness adds the colors of friendship
Friends are for laughter and celebrations
As recluse is for sorrow and melancholy

But sacrifice our time for the other erodes its lifetime
The friend who says,
“I hope I am also among those who are very special in your life,”
Will be the one who leaves you first when you are in extreme need of her

When corrupted, it results to an immature end
Ego and misunderstanding kill friendship half-life